Saturday, July 16, 2011

sweet 30 for my girl

Let me start by saying I had NO idea how to be a mom. simply I never had one and the ones that were in my life were never there for the long haul. When things got tough I was moved out. Anyway.... MY BABY turns 30 tomorrow. AND we are still a family. It is overwhelming where I sit and this week I have felt overly sensitive and melancholy to think I had a hand in this amazing woman's life. If I had met her on the street I would want to be her friend, she is so genuine and caring. A little bit of spice and a whole lot of life in her. She was always an old soul. She understood things that were never explained. She has added so much joy to our lives. She has brought us gifts in her husband we love and adore. I won't even get started on Jackson that is another story. That boy is my precious little man. he is an athlete through and through. But wanted to take a moment and Thank God for answered prayers for helping me and guiding me as a mother. I am blessed and these tears are happy ones


  1. such sweet words... Happy Birthday to your ra! :)

  2. Love you forever, Like you for always. As long as I'm living my mommy you'll be. Happy BIRTHday. Love you so much. <3

  3. let me just start by saying your profile says you are the "peacemanKer" of the family. haha! love u
