Monday, December 28, 2009

Some thoughts...

I have so much to say and share. Time to organize some thoughts. First of all I believe that every day is a new opportunity to reach out and make a difference to love and give. But when that love comes your way I truly have to sit back and absorb the moment. Our children Ra and B gave to us in a big way. B brought his lawn mower over and literally transformed our yard. He even inspired Bobby to go out and blow for a while. And he did it just because. Brian has done this before and every time I am moved. You see I love my space and love it to look good. It makes me feel like the fact that I love my life is reflected outside also. Ra helped me organize all the toys that were stock piling in the play room. She takes me all over Atlanta and we share special moments with Jackson all the time. Such a gift all the way around. I am going to do better about keeping up with my blog.

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