Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Yesterday I was 56

For me its a big deal because for so many years I have not kept track of that trivial detail. I was busy being a mom and a wife and age mattered little. Truth be known it really doesn't matter now except that yesterday I did have a surprise birthday party. Bobby made my favorite homemade pizza and Ra put together the details. It was a celebration for sure. Today is my oldest BFF Marlene's birthday. We met before I was married and have continued to keep a special long distance relationship. We have shared a lifetime of memories. Having babies together she has 2 girls. Katie is a Senior and Jessica is graduating college. I have 3. Justin lives in Vidalia he is a dad to Marbear who is 6. He commutes to our home every other week and meets up with his little princess at our home for the weekend. Sasha is at Athens, Ga. She starts her LPN nursing school Jan 5th. And then Ra my first born. The one I made all my mistakes on learning how to be a mom and she still came out wonderful. Praise God for that! Ra is happily married to Brian and they have the most wonderful son Jackson who is 18 months. Everyone needs that friend they can always be themselves with and who loves them no matter what. Marlene and I have watched each other make mistakes along the way but always overlooked that and supported one another. Our only regrets are that we were not next door neighbors and although she lives in Colorado and I in Georgia when ever we get together it feels like we are next door neighbors cause we don't skip a beat. I love you Marlene you are the sister I always wanted. I am a believer that families are not always blood relatives. Marlene and I are witness to that. Happy Birthday to you ol' gal!!!!!

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